Some interesting treatments

This photo was taken from the inside of a car wash! It’s not a bad analogy; a reiki treatment can feel like a really good clean!

I’ve given some interesting treatments lately. I thought it might be interesting for you to read some of my observations. I’m going to use a genderless pronoun, just to make sure I keep the confidentiality of my clients:

๐ŸŒŸ Cynics find it hard to believe but reiki practitioners see reiki energy as travelling across time and space in ways that don’t always match up to our usual experience. Many of my clients say after a treatment that it felt either like it lasted forever and went for a long time, or in contrary, that it felt like only five minutes had gone by. I had a client lately who hadn’t been for five years. They described that after the last treatment, they felt tingling in their hands and feet during the treatment and afterwards for a few days … and they started feeling the same tingling on the morning BEFORE they came for the treatment. That made me think about how reiki ‘time’ doesn’t necessarily match up to our usual sense of time.

๐ŸŒŸ Just at the moment of starting a treatment, a client asked if I could do the treatment without touching them. Almost always, I use touch as part of my treatments, because for most people, touch feels good, and it provides a focus for the energy for both me and the client. Particularly for first-time clients or clients that are more uncertain of what they might feel, feeling my hands, and possibly heat or energy from my hands, can be comforting. But it’s not necessary for me to touch during a treatment. As I said above, the sense of space in reiki doesn’t necessarily correlate to what we’re used to, and a treatment can be just as effective at a distance or without touching. So, I’m really happy that my client felt confident enough to speak up and request what they wanted. The treatment ended up being exactly what they wanted. We were both excited at the end of the treatment at how well it worked, since even though it was their first treatment ever, they immediately felt some of the exact effects and benefits that they’d told me they’d wanted before the treatment. Just as I was starting the treatment, they actually said out loud, ‘I can feel it!’.

๐ŸŒŸ I had another client that came to see what reiki would do for them. We were chatting and they said that they have trouble meditating, and instead just feel anger: anger for not being able to meditate as well as another deeper issue that we didn’t talk about. But after the treatment, the client said that they didn’t feel anything from it, except the same anger they feel when trying to meditate. I’m sorry that the treatment didn’t bring them more benefits and I also have to admit that I don’t really know what’s going on here. I would estimate that 95% or more of my clients tell me they feel something, from subtle to dramatic. So for the very few that feel nothing, I’m not sure why. Maybe their minds are so powerful and filled with thoughts that it blocks them from being able to be open to and tune into the healing energy of reiki. But I’m not sure.

๐ŸŒŸ Sometimes I wonder if it is relates to expectations. One client, at the end of their treatment, said they felt average, about the same. But when I probed, they said they had felt a strong wave of energy, or a few times, all the way through their body. What they meant is that in comparison to the first wave of energy, they felt the same. It seemed like after the first sensations, they were upset that the sensation didn’t continue in the same way. And then, when I asked more questions, they did describe feeling relaxed and tingling in their hands and feet. It seemed that in this case the client could easily have just believed that they didn’t experience anything from reiki, because they are not used to observing what they feel in their body and immediately starting thinking about other things or having doubts.

๐ŸŒŸ I should end this post on a positive note! While many clients ask me what they should expect to feel or are ‘supposed’ to feel, everyone has very different experiences of reiki treatments. Some clients feel that most treatments are about the same for them each time while others feel that each treatment is different. Quite a few clients are reporting feeling really tired after the treatment (but better when that feeling passes) and most clients have been telling me they found the treatments enjoyable, and they feel lighter or more relaxed than when they came in. But it’s good to not have expectations and to be open to whatever happens. See you at your next treatment!

Discover the benefits of a reiki treatment. Visit my website or Facebook page for more information and SMS, email, call me or book online if youโ€™d like to make an appointment. Over the last 10 years, Iโ€™ve given over 2,100 reiki treatments.
Clients come to relieve stress, anxiety and for many other issues, or to just give reiki a try to see what it brings them. Folks visit from all over Sydney and elsewhere to see me. While itโ€™s easiest to get to me from the CBD, Darlinghurst, Paddington, Kings Cross, Redfern and Potts Point, Iโ€™m pretty easy to get to from anywhere in Sydney.

Getting lost

Once, during a time I was lucky enough to live in Paris, someone asked me my favourite thing to do in the city. ‘Get lost,’ I replied. I hadn’t thought of that before; the answer just came out. And it was true. When I was exploring, I didn’t have a schedule or appointments. Wandering down a small street, on purpose or by accident, and ending up not quite sure where I was: it was a great way to see the city. It filled me with wonder and delight.

On the other hand, when you do have a schedule or an appointment, getting lost is not so great. Reiki Surry Hills can be tricky to find. Surry Hills is filled with small streets and alleys. The entrance to our apartment building is on a different street to the address. The closest intersection to the entry is at Little Riley Street and Mackey Street. But Little Riley Street has two parts, the one near me, and another section that begins on the other side of Albion Street, after being interrupted by Frog Hollow Park. Mackey Street, which looks more like an alley to me, is also in two parts, interrupted by a block. If you’re on the wrong part of it, you have to walk around the block to get to the right part!

Clients will know that’s why I give detailed instructions by text for how to find me.

But even then, it doesn’t work for some clients. The majority of these who are lost don’t use Google Maps, or they use it to find the general area, and then stop using it before actually finding me. Some clients tell me that Google Maps doesn’t work and delivers them to the wrong place. A few people have had their phones run out of battery, or are almost about to, which can be a bigger problem if they can’t call me to tell me they’re lost! And a fair number of lost clients don’t actually read the instructions carefully: they read one part and not the other.

The majority of my lost clients don’t make it easier for themselves by calling me when they’re lost. Some wander around for a while before I call them to see where they are, and even manage to get themselves quite upset from being lost.

This makes me wonder. Most of my clients come because of stress and anxiety. But doesn’t always being lost cause stress and anxiety? I also imagine that some of these clients, in their daily lives, constantly encounter bad energy from other people but not know why, though the reason is because they’re late for an appointment or have inconvenienced someone else or haven’t followed instructions or a request. It’s hard to live with your head in the clouds.

So, while I recommend getting lost if you have the time for it, most of the time I would recommend not being lost. Taking the time to pay attention to where you are, and the directions that people give you, could eliminate stress and getting bad reactions from other people. If you need help finding somewhere, ask for help! People like to help others find their way. I do! And in the long run, being mindful and paying attention could certainly help you as much as a reiki treatment could.

Discover the benefits of a reiki treatment. Visit my website or Facebook page for more information and SMS, email, call me or book online if youโ€™d like to make an appointment. Over the last 10 years, Iโ€™ve given over 1,900 reiki treatments.
Clients come to relieve stress, anxiety and for many other issues, or to just give reiki a try to see what it brings them. Folks visit from all over Sydney and elsewhere to see me. While itโ€™s easiest to get to me from the CBD, Darlinghurst, Paddington, Kings Cross, Redfern and Potts Point, Iโ€™m pretty easy to get to from anywhere in Sydney.