For some reason, Thor was particularly being a reiki cat at the start of December, so I thought I’d give you an update on him.
He’s generally been stretching out in the space where I offer my clients to sit down, sometimes slowly pushing against them so he’s basically taking up the whole area, and clients are perched on the corner of the sofa.
Or he sits on the reiki table, looking at my clients and then doing his classic move of falling over on his side with his belly exposed, so if you’re used to cats, you know he wouldn’t mind a bit of a belly rub.
I can’t believe what a flirt he’s being.
Occasionally, he’s missing in action, but has often been around, and if it’s anywhere from about 2.30pm onwards, he’ll be looking for attention in the lead-up to dinner at 5pm.
It’s uncanny that he seems to know, before a client will come even in the door, whether they are cat people, have cats, or are even dog people but don’t mind cats.
One client, who has three cats, came with her husband, who waited quietly on the sofa during the treatment, and Thor just got up and lay down beside him the whole time. A long time ago, he was going through a bit of an active phase where I didn’t trust him not to jump up on the table during a treatment, so I’d let him say hello and then put him out of the room. Mostly lately, he’s happy to say hello, and then if we can move him from the table to the sofa, he just blisses out. However, a few days ago, a client who has a long-haired cat came in for a treatment and Thor decided that he would obviously be welcome and jumped onto the table just as the treatment started. It was cute but I put him out of the room.
Freyja, Thor’s sister, rarely makes an appearance, though sometimes noses around before dinnertime, and as mentioned, occassonally, she will really decide that someone is OK with cats, and even allows them a quick touch.
I had my first client who was afraid of cats. Phobias are so hard to relate to when you don’t have them yourself. I was looking at the faces of my gentle, curious cats, and thinking: how can you be afraid of them? But she managed to back into the reiki room … I kept the cats away from her, and she had a great treatment (it was her first and she was amazed at how good she felt, right away, afterwards).

I never imagined Thor might be a part of my reiki practice, but if he graces us with his presence, I consider it a pretty good thing. If he’s already dozing, he’s a pretty good model for how to be in this world. With most of my clients coming for stress and anxiety, he’s a good role model for being free of both of them. Plus, he really seems to be bring delight to various clients. A number of clients who are from overseas have had to leave their cats with family members in their home countries, so they love to be able to hang out with a cat … And one or two clients had Russian Blues in their childhood or have known Russian Blues in their time, so it’s especially nice for them to have a visit with Thor.
As in my last post about reiki cat, in May, I try to warn clients on my website if they have allergies to cats to warn me, but I understand that it’s hard to read everything on a website. Yet, I don’t want to make the cat a defining feature of my practice! One of my current clients thinks Thor is beautiful but is allergic, so popped an antihistimine before her treatment and was fine. I had a client a few months ago, who unfortunately, became so congested during the treatment from his allergy to cats that I don’t think he was able to relax into the treatment. If you’re allergic to cats, let me know before you come and I’ll give the room an extra vacuum, wash my hands an extra time, and try to make the place as free of cat fur as possible before your visit.
Discover the gifts and benefits of a session of Japanese reiki therapy, healing energy from an experienced practitioner. Since 2011, I’ve given over 900 treatments. Visit my website or Facebook page for more information and SMS, email, call me or book online if you’d like to make an appointment.
Clients come from all over Sydney to see me, and I’ve also had clients who are visiting Sydney from Melbourne, Brisbane and the Gold Coast come and see me while they’re here for business, conferences or meeting families. While it’s easiest to get to me from the CBD, Darlinghurst, Paddington, Kings Cross, Redfern and Potts Point, I’m pretty easy to get to from anywhere in Sydney.