Of course, there’s always gelato.
Because the most common issue that clients come with is anxiety, I am always interested in hearing about new ways to deal with it. While I hope that reiki can help, especially if it’s a long-term problem, reiki may only be one of the tools in your toolbox to help you. I often recommend a therapist if you’re not seeing one already. A good therapist will tackle anxiety in two ways: by looking for the root causes, which could be an issue from the past (and may not be evident), and by giving you techniques you can use right away, in a practical sense.
I just stumbled on a technique that I was unfamiliar with. It was attached to a New York Times article that advises parents to stop shaming their kids who have tantrums by posting videos on Instagram! But that’s how the internet works, right? One thing leads to another, and suddenly here’s a new technique to manage anxiety.
In a post from the University of Rochester, it advises that if you catch yourself feeling anxious, or if you know you’re going into a situation that will cause you anxiety, to focus on the present moment, your breathing and then your senses. It starts by saying: notice five things around you that you can see …
Check it out if it might help you! And report back in the comments section if you’ve tried it and find it useful (or not).
Discover the gifts and benefits of a session of Japanese reiki therapy, healing energy from an experienced practitioner. Visit my website or Facebook page for more information and SMS, email, call me or book online if you’d like to make an appointment. Since 2011, I’ve given over 1,200 reiki treatments.
Clients come to relieve stress, anxiety and for many other issues, or to just give reiki a try to see what it does for them. Folks come from all over Sydney and elsewhere to see me. While it’s easiest to get to me from the CBD, Darlinghurst, Paddington, Kings Cross, Redfern and Potts Point, I’m pretty easy to get to from anywhere in Sydney.