So, we interrupt our regular blogging for a post on something not quite reiki but related to my reiki treatments.
You see, the problem was this. I like to serve tea to my reiki clients. Most new clients come about twenty minutes before their appointment, but not always. So, while there is an issue of making the tea in time for them to arrive and then keeping it warm (and hoping they want tea; most do), it’s also nice to have a sip of tea after the treatment.
During the summer, I don’t mind having a cool or room temperature sip of tea after the treatment, but during the Sydney winter, when it’s cold, I’d prefer it be a bit warm.
I had the fleeting idea of getting a contemporary tea cozy, though there seems to only be ONE place in the world that makes non-crocheted, modern and cool-looking tea cosies. It’s Flock of Teacosy who I imagine won’t mind me putting a photo of their cool cosies here, since it’s entirely complimentary. Aren’t they cool? But in the end, I think I found a better solution (for me) though I still might buy one of those tea cosies if I ever see one.
A friend suggested, ‘How about those tea lights that warm the pots?’. A search online and I found that Bodum, a Danish company who I’ve always had an affection for, makes a rather lovely product called Chambord. Do all Scandinavian companies name their products in mysterious ways?
It’s all worked out perfectly. With a new tealight underneath, the tea stays nicely warm for the whole 90 minute period. I’ve tried it out a few times, and it works great! It costs about $30, and I think it’s rather a good investment!