I noticed recently that my reviews page on this website is one of the most read pages. That makes sense. People who are considering a treatment will want to know the possible effects, and whether this Reiki Surry Hills guy is trustworthy and good.
It’s pretty unwieldy to have all of my reviews on the one page, so I am creating this blog post to collect more reviews and testimonials (and will have a link to it from the reviews page):
‘Amazing experience and so happy that I received relief immediately after the treatment as I was suffering from stress related painful migraines. I feel so relaxed, happy and completely zen, balanced and recharged.’
‘When I woke up the day after my reiki session with Andy, I felt like all my negative thoughts and emotions were millions of miles away and I was able to finally let things go. It would be an understatement to say it was amazing… It was absolutely wonderful…’
I’m glad I found you.’
‘I felt really grounded and calm after my session.’
‘I felt great after the treatment… re-energized’
‘Slept better than I have in ages. I feel more balanced and just lighter somehow.’
‘I found it really interesting how I felt wide awake the whole time, but my mind, rather than racing (which it normally does) was very purposefully moving from challenge to challenge, and creating ways in which to solve them. I felt very focused and calm during this process.’
‘I certainly have noticed a great improvement with my anxiety. Following the treatment I felt my mind was clear and it’s helped me gain extra clarity.’
‘It really felt like everything that wasn’t serving me was just “moved on”
‘I really liked my first Reiki session. It made me feel so calm, relaxed and lighter during the session and even after… I had a very deep sleep that night and woke up feeling quite rejuvenated… To be honest, I’m not sure if I could feel its effect after day 2 but I’m still amazed with the overall experience.’
‘I’ve felt quite calm and more balanced after my treatment. I did feel quite floaty afterwards but also had a great sleep that night… I’m finding myself in a more positive frame of mind after the treatment, so my dealings with stresses seem not as chaotic as they have been… Thanks again for the treatment, and I’m sure I’ll be in touch when I need another one!’
‘I thoroughly enjoyed my experience. To be honest afterwards I felt quite tired and had a very stressful day. But today I feel so much more relaxed and like some of the pain of my relationship has lifted, that sick feeling in my tummy is much lighter.’
‘I really enjoyed the reiki session, I feel really good and noticed I am not over thinking things which I sometime do at work. I’m Not allowing myself to get stressed out.’
‘When I came into you yesterday I was stressed .. After the treatment I came out feeling extremely relaxed and had a very good day. I also sleepy extremely well last night and when I woke up I had a feeling in happiness inside me instead of the feeling of anxiety… My day so far has been relaxed and good.’
‘Yesterday I was super productive, steaming through everything I had to get done. Today I’ve been a bit whacked out and lazy… So hopefully will find a happy medium over the next few days.’
‘Everything felt relaxed and free and that feeling went into the night and over the few days.’
‘ I’m a happy girl. Feeling completely back to normal and even a better version of myself. The pain is gone, I’m sleeping better, and I feel stronger emotionally… Immediately after the treatment I was so aware of my senses and felt like I was walking on the moon. I think I felt naturally high it was so nice and that feeling has subsided since… Several hours later I felt very drained and exhausted and the following day I had a very mild sore throat for a short time… I feel great now and I intend to come back soon to maintain this new found inner strength.’
‘The experience was amazing! I feel more connected with myself!’
‘After the treatment I did feel a sense of relief and going home that evening I did sleep well and have done so apart from this morning when I began to feel a lil anxious again… In terms of my confidence and negative thoughts I did feel like something left me that day (only way I can describe it) that I let go.’
‘I’ve been feeling much better and sleeping well after the treatment.’
‘Ya I’m feeling really good now but the day or two after the reiki I felt terrible, I was anxious and really short fussed and snappy… I’m feeling amazing now just really happy with my life and were I’m at…
Thank you again for the reiki it was really beautiful and important for me too I think! I have also noticed my my knees have been really good and they were really sore before the reiki and when you touched them during the reiki I felt lots of energy.’
‘I feel the same, not much difference, I slept good which is great but still have anxiety and have it near bad today but don’t know why….. Thanks for checking up.’
‘I am definitely feeling more relaxed after the session on Saturday. I think the reiki sessions would be a great long-term investment for my personal wellbeing.’
‘I definitely felt a shift in my energy for sure. not such a heavy burden weighing on my shoulders… I will definitely come back for more Reiki in the future. It can only be a positive thing.’
‘I didn’t feel anything huge changed in the next few days, more so I felt super relaxed and a bit spacy – kinda like a natural drug :)’
‘Last night I felt great, like I didn’t have a care in the world, and that all this baggage and heavy energy I suppose I’d be carrying around was gone. Later in the evening I was able to communicate more calmly and clearly with my partner about things I’d been bottling up or hadn’t been able to express properly in the past.’
‘I have definitely been feeling better and somewhat lighter. Yes, I would agree that I have been feeling a sense of lightness to my thinking the last couple of days. Another way to explain it, it is in the last couple of days I feel like I have not been getting so caught up in my thoughts – perhaps thats why you were feeling heat when touching my head! … Overall I definitely enjoyed the process. I really appreciated your warm and gentle nature, you made me feel very comfortable.’
‘I really enjoyed receiving the reiki treatment from you. I found afterwards my mind was clear when it would usually be running with thoughts. I also felt as though my vision was clear.. the best way I can think to describe it is to say my eyes/vision was a dirty windscreen which was cleaned.. might sound a bit strange but that’s how it felt.’
‘I had a good Thursday evening, but found sleep hard to come by the next three nights… However I am continuing to feel clearer in my head, and also more energy in my physical self.’
‘I’m feeling good today, energized and I loved my hour out. I did feel deeply relaxed yesterday and it was so special. Loving having an hour out for myself.’
‘After the session I still felt a little anxious and sore… On a plus side, today I feel surprisingly ok given I’ve had no sleep, of course tired but not nearly as bad as I was expecting for such a bad night. I have also let go of my anger and disappointment that I had before the session…’
‘The treatment has definitely had some profound impact, I’m alternating between feeling energized and really drained… I can still feel little streams of energy running through me and I do feel like I’ve experienced some sort of a shift… I’m looking forward to seeing how this feels over the next week, and how it settles.’
‘Am feeling so much more grounded & connected to the person I know and am.’
‘With the energy I felt, I definitely felt something surge through my body – almost like a light vibration…’
‘I am feeling more centred emotionally which is nice – I had the flu when I came to you , I woke up yesterday feeling not as sick which was nice… Really enjoyed the treatment. I hope to come again shortly.’
‘I loved it… thank you again for the treatment, I have felt amazing since I walked out of your front door!’
‘I still feel great! There is a lot of emotional stuff/fears coming up but I am able to work through it and love the process even if it feels like a roller coaster right now 🙂 But I am sure I wouldn’t have been able to do it without your help.’
‘ I feel a great sense of piece & relief. Still a bit stiff & sore but that’s ok, I am dealing with that. Intuitively I know your reiki treatment accelerated the process for me to get to this stage. Andy, I feel blessed to have met such a professional & gifted healer like yourself, especially during this part of my journey.’
‘I have been feeling a little more grounded and focused – certainly focused on my health with a greater resolution to do right by my body.’
‘I loved my treatment. I felt very centred and focused for a few days after. Really helped me to realise that I’m on the right path.’
‘Yesterday afternoon I did notice I had a strong feeling of “lightness” in my mood. Definitely positive. That’s continued through to now.’
‘I felt quite light and free when I walked out of your amazing place in Sydney.’
‘I wanted to firstly thank you for my reiki treatment and although it was my first it won’t be my last. My results were nothing short of impressive and include:
– Feeling happy
– Feeling of Wellbeing
– Clearer in my thoughts
– More clarity at work
– More energised
‘I actually had a very deep sleep on night after the treatment, which as I mentioned I generally don’t sleep very well.’
‘After my second treatment I felt really relaxed and slept well again… I’ve felt really positive and energetic over the past few days… I think apart from the physical sensation of having more energy I feel more ‘clear’ … I feel really great after the treatment – I think the word that would sum up the feeling would be ‘content’.’
‘During the session I felt very relaxed, safe and centred, I also felt my sinus clear when you put your hands near my face. It’s not something that’s easily articulated but I felt my energy open during the session as I drifted in and out of sleep. I definitely felt my energy was very open straight after our session and I took some time to be alone in a quiet space to feel the effects of the session. I felt I wanted to be alone in nature and near water… Since [the treatment], I’ve been feeling very connected and present, and also very tired which usually happens after I have a shift or release… and I’ve been able to connect with myself more easily than usual.’
‘Reiki has done good to me… I’m still having some mild problems with falling asleep, but there are no thoughts, no fear… I’m really calm and relaxed, but just only little bit excited, but nothing that I experienced before reiki. You have helped me to get my energy flowing again and I’m just so amazed by this…’
If you recognise your words above, thanks for them and I hope you don’t mind that I’ve reposted the reviews without names! Let me know if you don’t want it here, or if you’d like to put your name with the feedback. THANK YOU.
Discover the gifts and benefits of a session of Japanese reiki therapy, healing energy from an experienced practitioner. Visit my website or Facebook page for more information and SMS, email, call me or book online if you’d like to make an appointment.
Clients come from all over Sydney to see me, and I’ve also had clients who are visiting Sydney from Melbourne, Brisbane and the Gold Coast come and see me while they’re here for business, conferences or meeting families. While it’s easiest to get to me from the CBD, Darlinghurst, Paddington, Kings Cross, Redfern and Potts Point, I’m pretty easy to get to from anywhere in Sydney.