A night blooming cereus.
I invite you to come for a reiki treatment. If you’d had a treatment before and found it useful or that it felt good, I invite you to consider how often you might want to come. You see, whether it’s meditation, yoga, exercise, eating well or reiki, when you find something that is good for you, I think that you should make it a regular practice. This is much preferable to waiting until a situation is so bad that you feel you need an emergency treatment!
I had a revelation about my practice only recently (and after so many years!). I think that I may have not been as encouraging as I could have been when people asked how often they should come for a treatment. The reason for this is twofold. When I started learning about reiki, it was a widespread practice among some reiki practitioners to tell clients that they needed to have three treatments in order for reiki to work at its best. But when I started giving treatments, it felt to me (and still does) that this was just a way to try to get clients to come more often. I think you should know after ONE treatment whether reiki works for you or not, and it’s no use coming again if it didn’t bring you any benefits. Reiki works for the vast majority of my clients, but not everyone.
And while I think and hope that a reiki treatment will be beneficial each time, it is NOT true that you MUST come more than once. So, I really didn’t want to come across as one of THOSE practitioners. Similarly, during a long period when I had problems with my lower back, it took me a long time to find the right physiotherapist who told me that his goal was NOT to see me again and that he’d do all he could to fix the issue in one session and then give me home exercises to do to support this. This was after I’d had a number of physios and chiros who gave me mediocre (or bad) care and told me that I had to come in again a week after. So, I think quite subconsciously, I have over many years been reticent to tell clients to come on a regular basis though I do tell them that they should come back if it the treatment worked for them and that some of my clients do come on a regular basis.
So, I should make it clear: I think that regular reiki is very beneficial to some clients, and I think that it would benefit quite a few clients (those who felt good effects) if they came more regularly, than say, the night blooming cereus, photo above, that recently bloomed, at night, as it does ONCE A YEAR. 😆
Food for thought, I hope, and I’ll see you when I see you! Hope you’re well.