More feedback from clients

Sharing feedback from clients is important to me, as it gives you an idea in their words, not mine, what you might experience. Of course this selection of words is mostly positive. My clients don’t always report in, and some simply ask specific questions about how they are feeling.

But this range of comments shows honestly some of the ways people feel after a treatment. If you haven’t tried reiki, perhaps it will encourage you to come and give it a go.

Here is some feedback from earlier this year:

“I did feel different over the weekend, I would say I felt slightly with my head in the clouds almost, spacing out in a nice way on Friday night. I felt significantly better on Saturday evening and Sunday.”

“The session gave me the opportunity to relax and think of the present moment which I don’t do often enough.”

“Thanks for the treatment and the follow-up, it was a great experience leaving me calmer and less rushed for the next few days, and still going!”

“I was sceptical in the beginning, but I have felt far happier since I met with you.”

“Following our session, similar to a very good meditation session, I felt very present. My senses feel heightened and I’m enjoying sensations which I previously took no notice of. I think this has in turn lowered my anxiety and allowed me to see what I want a bit clearer.”

“About a week after the treatment I got this sudden energy that stayed for day and night non-stop wouldn’t allow me to sleep but even when I got up in the mornings I felt great, and then in the last week I had a night where I just felt like current going through my whole body that’s felt amazing”

“I have been happy and positive since… Thank you again for your help, Andy. You are really skilled/gifted :)”

“Thank you for the session, I started off struggling to clear my mind, then slowly as you moved over my body I could feel myself relaxing as you said primarily when moving over my face and neck. Eventual I would say I feel into a meditative state – deeply relaxed and aware of my breath and body. I  thoroughly enjoyed it and found it deeply brought me some much needed peace. Leaving the appointment I spent the afternoon feeling at peace, and far more joyous that I have for a significant period. I also noticed I was far more observant of my surroundings and sense – colours, temperature and wind on my skin.”

“Since the session I’ve felt extremely calm and much more positive and well, but I also feel revitalised.”

Discover the gifts and benefits of a session of Japanese reiki therapy, healing energy from an experienced practitioner. Visit my website or Facebook page for more information and SMS, email, call me or book online if you’d like to make an appointment.
Clients come from all over Sydney to see me, and I’ve also had clients who are visiting Sydney from Melbourne, Brisbane and the Gold Coast come and see me while they’re here for business, conferences or meeting families. While it’s easiest to get to me from the CBD, Darlinghurst, Paddington, Kings Cross, Redfern and Potts Point, I’m pretty easy to get to from anywhere in Sydney.
Posted in Reiki Surry Hills, Review, Testimonial.

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