Reiki hurts!

It has surprised me to learn over the years that sometimes a reiki treatment is not completely pleasant, nor are its after-effects. And sometimes, it even hurts!

Clients report that a treatment sometimes will activate old injuries and they’ll feel energy there, an itchy feeling or pressure or even a bit of pain.

Some report feeling a bit of a headache.

Others have reported feeling pressure, sometimes unpleasant, at a part of their body, usually their chest or throat area.

I even had a period where I was feeling sensations of pain in my arms or legs or elsewhere and then after the treatment, the client would tell me they had felt pain in the same places. Spooky! I told my reiki teacher who said that it made sense: as the whole point of a treatment is to achieve oneness, to be in the same healing space with a client and not feel a separation (or duality), so it’s actually a good sign if we’re feeling the same sensations.

After treatments as well, clients don’t always feel great. I think the most common unpleasant feeling that I’ve had reported is fatigue, feeling really, really tired the night of the treatment, or the next day or even longer. A few clients have felt emotional (one said her boyfriend was really worried about her). One client felt so out of sorts he snapped at his partner!

And yet, during or after a treatment, any negative feelings are temporary and clients feel better than before afterwards. My teacher, Frans, gives the analogy of a wound where the process of the scar forming might not feel pleasant: itchy, irritated and even painful. But it’s a necessary part of the healing.

I’ve found that clients like to know what they can expect from a treatment, and that those who are most disappointed are the ones who have very specific ideas about what will happen, and whose expectations are not met. So I do try to let people know: not all the time, and maybe never for you, but for some people: reiki hurts!

Discover the gifts and benefits of a session of Japanese reiki therapy, healing energy from an experienced practitioner. Visit my website or Facebook page for more information and SMS, email, call me or book online if you’d like to make an appointment. Since 2011, I’ve given over 1,100 reiki treatments.

Clients come to relieve stress, anxiety and for many other issues, or to just give reiki a try to see what it does for them. Folks come from all over Sydney and elsewhere to see me. While it’s easiest to get to me from the CBD, Darlinghurst, Paddington, Kings Cross, Redfern and Potts Point, I’m pretty easy to get to from anywhere in Sydney.

Posted in Reiki Information, Reiki Surry Hills, Well-being.


  1. Hello!

    Despite my email address, I live in Sydney and, while in America last week, I met a person who has subsequently written to me as follows:

    “I haven’t read your other comments, but basically, you are highly spiritually connected, and you would be successful at any branch of study you’d like to explore in that area. You have a natural gift for connection, and with a little education and work, you could be highly successful with any energy modality or channeling. It would be worth exploring this area more to see which modes are your natural talents, and perhaps pursue an in-depth study of that, whether it be healing, channeling, mediumship, psychic, prophetic writing, spiritual connection, angelic/guide communication, akashic records, psychokinesis, etc. There are unlimited topics of interest to study, and you merely need to find what direction you want to go and run with it. Your body and spirit and beyond ready to start processing this untapped energy, and you will find untold rewards and ways it will enrich your life. You will shift from letting reality happen to you, to creating reality in divine alignment.”

    I had no idea I had this potential (and do not really understand a lot of terms they used!), but, if I indeed have, I would like to pursue this, so I replied asking for a way forward – and they wrote back suggesting Reiki. Although I am an old person (71) I have never engaged in anything like this, though spending a while in Sri Lanka over several years I got (superficially) interested in Buddhism but never did anything about this.

    Do you think that working with you would bring out my apparent potential so that I could perhaps help other people as my correspondent believes? If so, what would we need to do?

    Sorry for the long rigmarole!

    David Mabberley

    • Hi David, Since you wrote publicly, it’s a good opportunity to also write back publicly in case it helps others with a similar enquiry. I think reiki is a wonderful healing practise, and it is indeed open to anyone. Before jumping in, you might want to read more about it, for example on my website or the website of my teachers at the International House of Reiki ( If it sounds interesting, then you might want to come and try getting a treatment to see how it feels and whether you connect with the practice. I would advise that for any of the areas the person has recommended to you. I don’t think someone should just delve into an area because someone else has told them to do so. You need to start exploring and doing research for yourself, whether it feels right for you. Some of the courses are very expensive, so I think it wouldn’t be useful, for example, to be trained in mediumship or channeling unless you are clear in yourself that you have an ability or potential. Don’t just listen to a psychic (or whoever this was) without testing it out yourself. I don’t teach reiki myself, but if you are interested, I’d recommend doing a course with IHR. Best wishes, Andy

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