Gentle, general healing (vs specific blockages)

A client forwarded me a video by Abraham and Esther Hicks. I’ve some mixed feelings about what I know of their work. It was basically stolen from them and made into the best-selling book, ‘The Secret’, and while I think that setting an intent is a good idea, both ‘The Secret’ and the work of the Hicks seems to imply a much stronger link. Ask for what you want and you’ll get it. Like the very popular work of Louise Hay, who specifically links disease to emotions and past trauma, I think these writers and thinkers need to be challenged.

On the other hand, I found this video quite interesting and helpful.

It’s 15-minutes long so I think most people won’t have the specific interest and the time to watch it, so let me give you a summary: a reiki healer is worried when her clients ask her to clear specific blockages. She’s confused about the way that other healers talk about these blocks. She’s worried that she can’t feel them (I think this is what she is saying).

The answer from the Hicks really matches what I believe, and then goes further. They say that the energy that all energy healers work with is the same, it’s the ‘source’ energy. They say, as energy healers, we are not beaming energy from us into a client. We are creating a healing space, and allowing the energy of our clients to be in touch with our energy, which, through our practices and meditation, is closer to ‘the source’. The aim is not to feel blocks or diagnose, but create ‘a more allowing state’ for that energy to flow.

They said that when people feel they are out of balance or have blockages, they have already set the intention to feel better; they know what needs to be fixed; and are working on that practice on their own. The ‘source is on the case’. So, if they can’t solve the problem on their own, if ‘source’ can’t do it, then a healer won’t be able to either. They say that there is a possiblity that if the client is really correct about what needs fixing, and the healer focuses energy towards this, that this specific practice could work.

But the Hicks say being general is better. To provide gentle, general and genuine healing, it is not about projecting ‘blockages’ or focusing on them. It is better to say something like, ‘I don’t have absolute knowledge of the energy that is flowing, but I can feel it.’ We don’t have to figure out what that energy is, or what it is doing. The energy holds the intelligence to know what needs to be done. Our work is to allow the energy to flow as this energy always helps.

What the Hicks say in the video really does match what I’ve been taught my Frans Stiene, my teacher, and what I believe. I just don’t think it’s helpful to believe that we have blockages and imbalances, and especially for other healers to tell people their heart chakra or head chakra is blocked. We know when we’re feeling bad, and there are lots of reasons for it. Working too hard. A difficult relationship. Not eating right. An injury. Feeling lonely. All of these things we can work on, in different ways. But who knows how to ‘remove a block from a heart chakra’?

If you come to a reiki treatment for your chakras to be cleansed or for your energy to be balanced, isn’t it simply saying that you want to feel better, to be more closely in touch with yourself and your core energy? As I always tell clients, the more specific problem you have, the more difficult it might be to solve. But will a treatment generally make you feel better, and give you some space to relax and reflect? Yes, I think it will.

Discover the gifts and benefits of a session of Japanese reiki therapy, healing energy from an experienced practitioner. Visit my website or Facebook page for more information and SMS, email, call me or book online if you’d like to make an appointment.
Clients come from all over Sydney to see me, and I’ve also had clients who are visiting Sydney from Melbourne, Brisbane and the Gold Coast come and see me while they’re here for business, conferences or meeting families. While it’s easiest to get to me from the CBD, Darlinghurst, Paddington, Kings Cross, Redfern and Potts Point, I’m pretty easy to get to from anywhere in Sydney.

Reiki metaphors: describing reiki

cimg3549A few comments from clients lately made me think of how we use metaphors.

I think because the effects of reiki and the feelings experienced during a treatment are so unusual that it’s quite hard to articulate what exactly is happening.

And metaphors, using something unrelated to refer to something else, can be useful in life and reiki, proving us with more clarity or useful understanding.

When I have my hands on different parts of a client’s body, I know what it feels like, but when trying to describe it, I often come up short. Usually, I feel warmth, but sometimes that warmth is hot, or light, or has a bit of electricity and charge mixed in. And when a client says it felt hot, and I think it felt hot, I still don’t know if we’re describing the same energy.

The woman who a regular client, E., used to get reiki treatments from used the metaphor of our lives as cups that are overfilled with thoughts and activities and worries. Reiki, she said, is like punching a hole in the cup so that you let out enough so that instead of overflowing, you can manage on a day-to-day basis what’s in your cup!

Meanwhile, a recent client told me that he felt his vision was like a dirty windscreen, but after the treatment, it was clear.

Sometimes, when I’ve had a treatment, what it feels like most of all is like sitting in a nice, warm bath!

One of my favourite reiki metaphors comes from my teacher Frans Steine which is advice on how, as a reiki practitioner, I should give treatments. He said that we should like a sheet of clean white paper. As soon as you write on it, or just put the smallest mark or dot, it is not longer the same. So, instead of putting an expectation on how the treatment should be, or imagining in advance what healing I want to occur or what will occur, I should be like that clean sheet of paper to have the best effects for a treatment.

Even if both I and a client set the intention that the client should receive what it is that she or he needs at this time, I think that still allows the paper to be pretty blank!

In any case, metaphors are useful for reiki but more important is how you feel during the treatment and what effects you notice afterwards.

What are your favourite reiki metaphors? Feel free to share them here!

Discover the gifts and benefits of a session of Japanese reiki therapy, healing energy from an experienced practitioner. Visit my website or Facebook page for more information and SMS, email or call me if you’d like to make an appointment.
Clients come from all over Sydney to see me, and I’ve also had clients who are visiting Sydney from Melbourne, Brisbane and the Gold Coast come and see me while they’re here for business, conferences or meeting families. While it’s easiest to get to me from the CBD, Darlinghurst, Paddington, Kings Cross, Redfern and Potts Point, I’m pretty easy to get to from anywhere in Sydney.

Review: Helping to solve problems with reiki in Sydney

I think if someone wants certainty, then a reiki treatment won’t be quite right for them. Aside from setting the intent that a client will take from the client what she or he needs, there’s no guarantee that a treatment will fix a physical problem, or a worry or an issue.

But I guess that’s true of most treatments, or perhaps, most situations in life.

What I do know is that when clients give themselves the gift of a treatment, it means they are taking a positive step to do something good for themselves, and if they have an issue, a movement towards addressing that issue.

Relaxing, though perhaps problem-solving at the same time!

Relaxing, though perhaps problem-solving at the same time!

Then, by relaxing in a safe, healing space, even without the reiki, it’s a good thing for people. Most people are busy in their lives, have too much stress and don’t get enough sleep.

At the same time, I’m always pleased to hear back from clients about what their experience was. Here’s some comments from Lou, a new client. I love how her reiki treatment helped her work through some challenges and problems in her life, during the treatment, and we’ll see how it continues! I’ll ask Lou for some more feedback in the next days. Thanks, Lou, for your feedback:

‘I found it really interesting how I felt wide awake the whole time, but my mind, rather than racing (which it normally does) was very purposefully moving from challenge to challenge, and creating ways in which to solve them.  I felt very focused and calm during this process.’


Clients come from all over Sydney to see me, and I’ve also had clients who are visiting Sydney from Melbourne, Brisbane and the Gold Coast come and see me while they’re here for business, conferences or meeting families. While it’s easiest to get to me from the CBD, Darlinghurst, Paddington, Kings Cross, Redfern and Potts Point, I’m pretty easy to get to from anywhere in Sydney. SMS, email or call me if you’d like to make an appointment.

Learn Reiki in Surry Hills

If you’ve been a client of mine, you’ve been to the suburb of Surry Hills in Sydney.

And if you’ve ever wanted to learn Reiki, here’s a great opportunity:

My teacher, Frans Steine, is teaching Level 1 of Reiki, in Surry Hills on 30–31 May 2015. It’s from 10am to 5pm both Saturday and Sunday at 99 Crown Street.

More information is here.

Frans is known as one of the world’s leading reiki teachers and practitioners and we’re really lucky to have him here in Australia. He travels the world where students are anxious to learn with him. These days, after the International House of Reiki’s studio in Newtown has closed, Frans teaches less often in Sydney (and more often in the Blue Mountains where he lives).

So, it’s a really good opportunity, if you live in Sydney, to be introduced to reiki from one of the best teachers around.

There are three levels of teaching in Reiki. This level, Shoden, is the first. You’ll learn meditation techniques and to treat yourself and others.

Reiki has been a great gift to my life; I’m clearer and stronger in myself, more able to deal with external problems, and my internal life is richer and more at peace. If you have any questions, just ask!

And there’s more information about reiki and Frans’ teaching at their website at the International House of Reiki.

Frans Steine



Clients come from all over Sydney to see me, and I’ve also had clients who are visiting Sydney from Melbourne, Brisbane and the Gold Coast come and see me while they’re here for business, conferences or meeting families. While it’s easiest to get to me from the CBD, Darlinghurst, Paddington, Kings Cross, Redfern and Potts Point, I’m pretty easy to get to from anywhere in Sydney. SMS, email or call me if you’d like to make an appointment.

Introduction to Japanese Traditional Reiki

One of the things that surprised me when my brother first taught me Reiki, many years ago, was how many different types of reiki there are. I suppose it shouldn’t surprise me by now that human beings are always expanding and arguing and that any school or movement or set of teachings is going to diverge into many branches, as it has with religions and schools of thought.

I feel lucky then to have discovered a Reiki teacher here in Australia who was running weekly practice sessions on the same street that I was working in Newtown – and that I connect with his philosophy of Reiki. Frans (and his wife Bronwen) questioned early on in their Reiki path why the hands-on healing seemed separate from a spiritual practice. Their research, study and exploration have lead them to the conclusion that the Reiki practised in Japan by its founder had many components, all of which aimed at spiritual health and development, a way of uncovering and nurturing the ‘Great white light’ that we are made of. The hands-on healing part is only a component, but it is what became known and popular in the West.

When I explain this to my clients, they understand immediately. As a healer, I can’t do work on them unless I have done work on myself. If all of the energy is focused outwards towards them, without having done spiritual development work myself, the package is incomplete (and I would argue the treatments will not be as strong).

I read an old post from the International House of Reiki, a transcript of a talk Frans gave in Washington in 2009, and it’s a great story of how Frans and Bronwen came to reiki, and came to want to explore and spread the idea of Japanese Traditional Reiki. I also like the concept or metaphor of us being made of Great Bright Light and that meditation and healing is all in the aims of uncovering that light that has gathered dust and obstructions in our daily lives.

Here’s the post!

In other news, I’ve not found a need for regular blogging on my website. Blogs used to be so much more popular, and also served as a way of showing one’s expertise and legitimacy, as well as making connections with readers. But these days of information overload, people use the Internet in a much different way. I don’t feel a need particularly to add to the writings out there, when there is such good stuff to be found already at the International House of Reiki website and elsewhere. What I sense is that if clients or potential clients drop by my site, they won’t want to spend much time reading about reiki, when it’s much better to experience a treatment in person! Still, I’ll blog occasionally… or repost links from IHR, just to make sure there’s a little new content on my website from time to time. Feel free to comment and ask questions, here or on my facebook page!


Clients come from all over Sydney to see me, and I’ve also had clients who are visiting Sydney from Melbourne, Brisbane and the Gold Coast come and see me while they’re here for business, conferences or meeting families. While it’s easiest to get to me from the CBD, Darlinghurst, Paddington, Kings Cross, Redfern and Potts Point, I’m pretty easy to get to from anywhere in Sydney. SMS, email or call me if you’d like to make an appointment.


Reiki Surry Hills on holidays, 27 Sept – 13 Oct 2013

Reiki Surry Hills is on holidays 27 Sept – 13 Oct 2013.

I’m off on holidays to Scandiwegia from tomorrow until 13 October. Back starting work on 14 October, possibly with a Swedish, Finnish or Danish accent, but probably not.

(I didn’t come back with an accent, but I loved the trip!)


Clients come from all over Sydney to see me, and I’ve also had clients who are visiting Sydney from Melbourne, Brisbane and the Gold Coast come and see me while they’re here for business, conferences or meeting families. While it’s easiest to get to me from the CBD, Darlinghurst, Paddington, Kings Cross, Redfern and Potts Point, I’m pretty easy to get to from anywhere in Sydney. SMS, email or call me if you’d like to make an appointment.

A client describes her treatment

Natasha came for a treatment with Reiki Surry Hills in March 2013, and had a particularly powerful experience, which she’s allowed me to share with you here.

‘During reiki, it felt very powerful. I felt very relaxed and it felt like I was sleeping sometimes, because I could hear myself snoring. At times, I saw colours, like a kaleidoscope and I had lots of visions.

When you were at my feet, I could feel energy coursing through me. I had some small pains, in my left ear and at the front of my right shoulder. Afterwards, it felt as if I was made of a completely different material.

One of the things that I was hoping that reiki would address is that I’ve lost some sensation in my feet lately. I can knock my foot and it will take time to feel anything. After the session, I could feel sensation coming back to the area of my feet. The first day after the session I could occasionally feel a light pain in the certain spots on my body – one spot in the middle of the left knee, and another in the middle of right foot.

The treatment was very successful and beneficial at so many levels. I noticed that afterwards, I was more energised but also more serene and grounded since the treatment. It was very obvious because over the last two days, I have been in intensive professional training, a  situation that usually triggers my anxiety and social phobia. I have noticed that my response has been much better than usual – I was focused, relaxed, receptive and very sociable, which is, I am sure, a result of the session.

My main goal is to learn how to be at peace and balance with myself, and my intuition tells me that reiki is good way of achieving it. You’ve definitely got a follower and admirer in me.

One more thing – I was in some special state of mind after the treatment, as if I had just woken up or come out of meditation. So, I was not quite “on earth” yet. I didn’t notice the glass door at the exit from the building and hit my head against it. It was painful and awakening!’

As a note from me, sometimes reiki can bring up sensations (or small pains) that are uncomfortable during or after the session, but I believe this is something in the end healthy, as the negative sensation arises and works its way out of the body.

Thank you Natasha for letting me share your experience!


Clients come from all over Sydney to see me, and I’ve also had clients who are visiting Sydney from Melbourne, Brisbane and the Gold Coast come and see me while they’re here for business, conferences or meeting families. While it’s easiest to get to me from the CBD, Darlinghurst, Paddington, Kings Cross, Redfern and Potts Point, I’m pretty easy to get to from anywhere in Sydney. SMS, email or call me if you’d like to make an appointment.